Hello, World! I’m Lula!

Lula is a very smart girl who ended up in the wrong family as a puppy. When she was a year and a half old, she was given to another family, which handed her over to a shelter a month later. After spending a month in the shelter, she returned back to the second family, but after another month she returned to the shelter for a long four years. We spent a year together in a shelter where I was a volunteer. Me and Lula became friends. And one day Lula asked to go home. On October 30, 2020, by train, Lola left the shelter, never to return to the pen and booth.

The Story Of One Dog. Personal experience in adapting a dog from a shelter
The Story Of One Dog. Personal experience in adapting a dog from a shelter
The Story Of One Dog. Personal experience in adapting a dog from a shelter
The Story Of One Dog. Personal experience in adapting a dog from a shelter